Monday, June 18, 2007

Heartless I Am.............Not

I have feelings.
I own them as they are my own.
Some may say they are brutal,
that my heart 's made of stone.
My feelings run deep,
through every fiber of my being.
The words I write to express myself
may seem to be extreme.
I have to communicate my feelings.
I can't hold things inside.
One truth that I've learned,
is if I do,
my soul will not survive.
I've been called "intense"
almost to a fault.
When a feeling has been stirred
it is hard for me to halt.
When I feel passionate
my feelings pour out.
I feel that I need to examine them.
They are something to think about.
Whether my feelings are right or wrong
is really not the issue.
But a need to look and learn from them
is something I must pursue.
As I study and learn from the emotions
I find deep inside.
It assists in my growth,
it helps to make my soul wise.