Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lies and More Lies

I live with lies and dishonesty.
Some people close to me do not speak truth.
I feel over whelmed and sad
I wonder what's the use.
The lies and the dishonesty
give birth to pain and fear.
This fear drains me of my energy.
My happiness isn't near.
The fear and the pain
brings sadness and strife to my life.
It grabs hold of my soul.
It cuts through me like a knife.
I am tired.
God, so tired.
There is only a few that I can trust.
The beliefs and code that I live by
trust and honesty are a must.
I know what I need.
I can find deep within my soul.
I need to focus on peace and love.
Give less energy to those who control.
I know it's up to me.
The dream is mine to create.
To do this I must keep alert
and actively participate.
My wounds of the past
must be healed and replaced by love.
I will look to the sky
for hope from above.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Silence is Golden

I am still here.
Sitting quietly.
My soul seeking and asking me questions
that I do not have the answers to.
I read and read and my soul agrees but
can that really be the answer to all of it's
Maybe I am not the one with the answers.
Maybe, just maybe, my soul has the answers
but I have not been listening.
Maybe I should be still more often.
Silence is golden.