Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Ultimate Boundary

I was raised on dysfunction.
Lying and manipulation was
the Golden Rule.
There was not any praise.
Just the use of guilt
and ridicule.
My soul was beaten down.
My spirit devastated.
I was crushed to the point
my soul, my spirit, my being
was almost eliminated.
I was weak.
I was confused.
My soul covered with
infected wounds.
From this snake pit like hell
I was not immune.
Death was an option.
No more hurt
no more pain
do I fight to survive
for my own life to gain.
I felt each painful cut
of the sharp steel knife.
I had to dissect
the infected wounds
from my miserable life.
At times I wondered
if the pain would ever cease.
Would my mind, my soul, my spirit
from this hell be released?
I had to look.
I had to see.
What would be found
deep inside of me?
As I looked
I saw a light
so very small
but it shined so bright.
My mind, my soul, my spirit
this intense light would unite.
Then deep within my core.
I felt an incredible strength.
I knew if I were to survive.
I would go to any length.
I saw that the people of the earth
are united as one.
I learned that there
are sacred messages
written on
the rays of the sun.
I found what I think.
I found what I speak.
Can make me very strong.
can make me very weak.
I can create a fear
that will paralyze.
But then my freedom
I will have jeopardized.
In my strength
I can create love, truth, and peace.
Heaven here on earth
is in my reach.
I won't allow manipulation
and lies to be a part
of my dream .
I will keep strong, live truth
my self esteem I will redeem.
I know I can't
do this alone
but by my Higher Power
I will be shownn.