Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Slow Death Of My Mother

My mother died
a long time ago
even though she's
alive and well
It's a twisted sorted tale
that I'm about to tell
Her death wasn't sudden
Her demise took many years
It seemed to coincide
with the realization of
all my fears
She died a little more
She died each time
she wrongfully accused
It took years to see
how skillfully she did abuse
She died a little more
She seemed to take pride
in how she brutally criticize
As years passed by
I learned she would
never apologize
She died a little more
She always had to be right
no matter what the cost
She made me doubt myself
She made me feel lost
She died a little more
She was very crafty
hiding behind a mother's
She instilled fear that
did pulverize
She died a little more
She would never give an inch
She would never compromise
She used guilt and shame
to demoralize
She died a little more
Some people think
I should visit her more often
They don't understand
to me
she is dead and buried
in her coffin