Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Power of the Universe and My Love

The power of the universe
moves the stars
moves the atoms in my being
This force has put eyes on my heart
making me aware
of all the love that I am seeing
I believe in the power of the universe
It is connected to my core
It brought to me my woman
who's love will be "forever" more
Our love was born from simple
This love we share is like no other
The wisdom deep within my soul
there will never be another
My love and I share a trust
which creates a strong foundation
The woman who is my love
is a glorious creation
Her energy feeds my soul
Her existence is as essential to me
as is the air that I breathe
Her love completes me
there isn't nothing more that I need
My love is so supportive
Always knowing when I am weak
She comes to me with soft words
helping me to find the words to speak
Laying behind closed doors
time seems to stand still
Her smell
her love
her touch
I can never get my fill
Her existence in my life
I swear I could never live without
She is my "forever" love
I have not a doubt.