Friday, October 9, 2009

Our Day

October 10 is our special day.
I have just a few things
I would like to say.
Peggy, I love you
with all of my heart.
From each other I know
we will never part.
I need and want
you by my side.
If we could marry
I would be your bride.
For you there isn't anything
I wouldn't do.
I know you can see
that my heart is true.
You show me every day
how much you care.
I know I can count
on you being there.
With you the past eleven years
have gone swiftly by.
Your strength, humor
and love, I do rely.
When you kiss
and hold me tight.
I know that all in my world
will be alright.
You are my best friend
lover and wife.
Every day I thank my creator
that you are in my life.