Monday, April 16, 2007

It Must Stop

Our children cruelly beaten.
We lose them one by one.
The ignorance and the hatred
leaves us cold.
It leaves us numb.
When will it stop?
How many must die?
Our children are being murdered.
We hang our heads and cry out, why?
The answer to the question
is because they are gay.
I believe it's not a choice.
They were born that way.
People who's hearts
hold intolerance, bigotry and
Keep these dark forces in
their souls
all because someone is
not straight.
We are all of Gods children.
He loves us all the same.
Our children should not have
to hide or walk alone in shame.
The loathing and hostility
because one is gay,
has to be dealt with.
It will not fade away.
We must be strong!
Our voices we must now unite.
Our children are dying.
It's time to take up the fight.

For all Gay, Bi, Transgendered, Lesbian children.
"Be strong, speak truth, keep peace." Melissa Etheridge"

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