Monday, May 21, 2007

Rose Colored Glasses or Donna's Perfect World

I don't understand you.
Are you blind?
What I have to say to you,
may seem unkind.
You know the truths
that I've struggled with,
and had to face.
Now it's your daughter and you,
who are in that same space.
You abused your daughter
when she was young.
Now her feelings have surfaced.
The past is in the past.
It can't be undone.
You don't seem to get
the depths of her pain.
She asked you to counseling,
but you choose to abstain .
You feel you don't need it.
You think your life's just fine.
Again I ask you.
Are you blind?
You have perfectly pretended,
your entire life away.
Read my poems!
It's all I can say.
You are so much like mom.
You won't take responsibility.
Your unrecognized life
only causes more hostility.
You are like a little parrot,
repeating your husband utterance.
I wish you would wake up and
use some commonsense.
You have never had a backbone.
You always have taken the easy way out.
I can't sit in silence,
I need to speak out.
You haven't been able to think
since 1962.
Gee, I wish that you would
wake up and get a clue.
It would be nice,
if you had a thought
of your own.
Oh, excuse me, that's right,
you don't have a backbone.
Your husband doesn't love you,
your marriage is a masquerade.
I view your life as a sad, sad, escapade.
My respect for you,
has totally been depleted.
I want you to know,
that my feelings are deep seated.
I am angry and disappointed.
I've not made any headway.
You don't listen to anything
that I have to say.
I am tired of all the nonsense
that you spew.
I am done, it's over, I am

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