Tuesday, May 8, 2007


An angel has dropped from heaven.
She has become a part of my life.
My wish for her is to be free,
from all heartache and strife.
I look upon her face.
I gaze into this angel's brown eyes.
Her innocence's angelic.
My wish for her is to be wise.
As this angel learns about the world
around her.
I wish her a healthy curiosity.
And when she comes across those
who are less fortunate.
My wish for her is to show them generosity.
My wish for this sweet cherub,
is to find joy and true happiness.
As she finds her truths and faces them,
I wish her much success.
As this small angel grows,
and comprehends all of the worlds pain.
My wish for her is to know and show
For humanity she may campaign.
As this heavenly being ,
carries her soul through life's migration.
My wish for her,
is too have strength.
And be kept from the worlds temptation.
My wish for my sweet angel,
is to be blessed with good health.
As she searches for her vocation in life,
My wish for her is to find,
true wealth.
These wishes are also blessings.
Really they are one and the same.
May these blessings and many more
come to Camryn.
They are hers to claim.

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