Thursday, February 12, 2009

If The Shoe Fits

I always thought
that you would be here
for me.
She has blinded you
and now you don't see.
Lying and manipulation
is her game.
I try and show you
but it's always me
that you blame.
You always have a reason
that will take the truth away.
Pretty soon I won't care
what you have to say.
I don't understand
why you don't care.
She can hurt me
with her lies
and you're not there.
Not there for me
but there for her.
Where your loyalties lay
it's plain who you prefer.
It seems I will no longer
be able to see
two important people
who mean so much to me.
She's good at her craft
manipulating and lying.
You don't seem to care
or notice
that my soul is crying.
I get angry and hurt
because of the
let down that I feel.
All the years we shared between us
I thought that our friendship
was real.
All the years we have know each other
and everything that we have been through
I guess I am disappointed and hurt
I never expected this from you .
My feelings for you have changed.
I look at you in a different light.
I see who you are
for now I have insight.
My respect for you is lost.
I can't give you what isn't there.
I will be alert.
Take care of my soul
and watch out for my welfare.

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