Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Light

Let go of the sadness
that is caused by old wounds.
Let the message from the light
chase away all the doom.
It's easy to breakdown
from the madness of the past.
Strength, courage and wisdom
of these I do ask.
Domestication of the soul
comes without choice.
To gain wisdom, is to reclaim
my own voice.
The Book of Law
is filled with unhealthy rules.
I must unlearn these laws
and use this new knowledge
as a tool.
The laws in this book
are there to suppress me.
I must create my own laws.
Find my own voice.
Then my success I will see.
Wisdom comes from knowledge
and knowledge is the key.
To know and understand
will set my soul free.
Love, peace and happiness
are mine to claim.
This pathway of my journey
will keep my soul sane.
Love, peace and happiness
I can create.
I will listen to my Creator,
learn to love me and

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