Friday, March 20, 2009

The Power of the Word

Feeling lost
not connected
Just barely here
Waiting for my soul
to be resurrected
Waiting for the time
I'll feel complete
Wanting my heart
soul and mind
to meet
Feeling washed out
old and faded
My heart is sad
heavy and weighted
Feeling as though
a part of me disappeared
Feeling this way seems
foreign and weird
Words are powerful
they can add or take away
They can make you feel loved
they can make you feel betrayed
Maybe the insecurities
do not lay with me
I need insight
I need to see
My soul still hurts
I still feel the pain
I must see the light
and my happiness regain
I must take hold of my senses
and not hesitate
A happier dream
I will create
Using my words badly
there is no justification
So with my word
I pledge to have
better communication

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Loving Daughter

I never ever want to hurt you.
So for my harsh words
I do apologise.
The anger just consumed me.
To be at peace
the anger
I had to exorcise.
You are my only daughter
who I love more than I can say.
To know your own self worth
for this I will pray.
You are an amazing woman.
Deserving of love, peace,
and happiness.
All that you need
is there inside you.
The power you do possess.
I know that you must
do things
in your own way
and in your own time.
It may even seem that you
have been given
a mountain to climb.
I want you to know
I understand the sadness,
hurt and anger that you feel.
If you search deep inside you
there is strength
that will help you heal.
You are taking new steps
that will create new energy.
These new steps on this path
will help your soul
to be free.
I know that bad things happen.
Lessons we must learn.
Please know that I am always
with love and concern.
You are in control
of your own destiny.
Open up your mind
and allow yourself to see.
See the dream waiting
for you to create.
Your life laying before you
is a clean slate.
Have faith in your insight.
Your inner feelings
hold what is truth.
You will know the pathway to take
so the best
will happen for you.
No matter what happens
my love for you
will always be.
Your life is yours to live.
I just want you to be happy.

In love, peace and happiness;

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Names Mentioned

I won't mention any names.
You will know who you are.
Watching this unfold
I was hoping it wouldn't
go this far.
I want to yell out
but my lips I keep tightly
It wouldn't do any good.
It wouldn't make her hurt any less.
My soul screams out
for I feel her pain.
My wish is for you
to her hurt like her
but from those kinds of thoughts
I will try to refrain.
You don't deserve her
in your life.
Not even to give you
the time of day.
You proved unworthy
of her love
for you only know
how to betray.
What did you do
with the love and
trust she gave you?
You had sex with your ex.
Proving that you are untrue.
You are a "me" person.
The center of attention
you must be.
You are a self indulgent
self absorbed little slut.
Yes, all the world does see.
You know how to use
and how to manipulate.
But showing true love and devotion
these you can not demonstrate.
Wife, mother, lover, partner,
sister and friend.
You don't know how to be any of these
because the meaning of true love
and trust you can't comprehend.
What the hell are you?
Bi, gay, or straight?
I hope by the time
that you figure it out
for you it will be too late.
You don't like confrontation.
You avoid her at all cost.
You make me mad as hell.
I wish you would just get lost.
It's hard to find the words
to express all the rage I feel.
Watching how you treat her
the true color of your soul is revealed.
You didn't deserve her love.
To me you are a big disgrace.
You can't even sit down with her
and talk face to face.
Why is it you can't look
into her eyes?
I don't' think you can talk to her
without telling lies.
You whine and complain
about all the guilt you feel. (oh poor you)
Oh, come on, please!
Are you for real?
What do you expect
when you shit on
the ones you say you love?
I think that true love from you
is something that's unheard of.
You say that you love her
and that you always will.
Then tell me why you're screwing
some guy.
Are you sure you love her still?
What the hell is wrong with you?
I don't think you have a clue.
You do know how to sleaze around
and how to be untrue.
You are a slut and you know
how to deceive.
You will get your pay back.
It's called Karma, I do believe.
My wish for her
is to have her move on
get away from you and all the pain.
Someone better than you is out there
just waiting for her love to gain.
To you she gave
love, trust and fidelity
but you threw
it all away.
I don't have any respect for you.
I have nothing more to say.

replace my anger with peace
my hate with love
my sadness with happiness