Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 10th Here and Now

I know what October 10th
has meant to me in the past
but this life of mine
shows me
how things can change
so fast
I do not mourn
for the life that I had
I've been given a vision
I am no longer sad
On August 7th
a wise women
put her hand on my heart
She said "let your partner go"
"this is to be your new start"
She said "It's all about vibrations
that come from deep within"
"Lift your wings, feel the air
let your soaring begin"
She said "the vibrations
that you are now sending out
are coming from a spirit
that has grown
without a doubt"
"What is not good
will vibrate away"
"This will make room in your life
know in your heart
that it's OK"
She went on
"The creator will send
like vibrations to you"
"This will surely happen
if you believe this to be true"
Now, I love this wise woman
She has taught me so much
I felt her gentle spirit
in that simply touch
I will no longer be afraid
to be just me
I love who I am
and all can see
that with Faith, Hope
and Courage
I can just

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