Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The heavens opened up
and the snow is falling
to the ground.
Everything is so quiet.
It is white all around.
We are having a blizzard,
weather Central is warning.
The winds will pick up speed.
They will be roaring by morning.
Oh Yeah!
Lets not forget
the ice and the sleet.
There won't be much traffic
moving up or down Main
I hate the snow!
It makes me so mad!
I can't help my honey
and that makes
me feel guilty and sad.
Fourteen inches have fallen
from out of the sky.
My honey puts on her boots
I could just cry.
One day of rest
then more is on the way.
Weather Central warns another storm
will start on Wednesday.
I hate the snow!
I grumble and I groan.
It's like this bad weather
won't leave us alone.
This time around
it is going to be
one to three.
That doesn't seem like much
to worry about to me.
Oh no!
This time the trouble
will be in the form of
rain, sleet, and ice.
God, living in Wisconsin
is no Paradise.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Will You Remember Me?

When I am gone
and longer living
here on this earth.
Will you still remember me?
Did I have some worth?
What is it that you loved
about me?
What will you keep
close to your heart?
I hope I gave you
something special,
to keep while we are apart.
I wonder how long
it will take,
before I fade from your mind.
The memory of my existence
left far behind.
You will get rid of all my clothes.
And you will go through all my
Pack them all away
along with the sadness
that they bring.
You will move on with your life.
You will continue on your path.
But will you remember me
and what made me happy
or what made me laugh?
Will you recall
any of my passions?
The things I most cared about.
Or will they be swept
from your mind
like the dust left by a drought.
Will you remember
my love and respect for Melissa,
and what she meant to me?
How her words and her music
inspired and helped
to set my soul free.
Will my love for you
bring you comfort
or maybe some cheer?
I guess I just worry
that you will forget me
now that I am not here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Look and Learn

If you ripped open my flesh
so my soul would be exposed.
Then you would be able to see
what you may or may not know.
What would you see?
What would you find?
A spirit with strength
finely at rest with her
own peace of mind?
Or maybe the demons
and the evil of the past.
Would come to the surface
with a sinister laugh.
Don't be afraid.
No don't hide your eyes.
Force yourself to look.
What you see may make
you wise.
Let the lessons that
I have learned.
Let the truths that
I have embraced.
Bring courage to you
so that your own truths
you now can face.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Have you ever known someone
who really cares.
Someone who you can call on
and you know he will be there.
Someone who shows others
that he is truly concerned.
He is always there to help
never asking anything in
Someone who will undertake a task
no matter how big or how so small.
To this kind person
it doesn't matter at all.
He is someone who calls unpleasant tasks
an opportunity,
and he takes on these tasks
with great capability.
He has re-roofed our porch
and he has unplugged our drains.
We have asked him
to help us so often
and he never complains.
He takes after his mother.
He has the kind soul.
All the wonderful things that
he's done,
no one will really know.
We are very thankful
to have him in our lives
So here is a big THANK YOU
from both of your wives.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The End

When my life is ending
and it is time for me
to face my death.
I want my woman
to hold me in her arms
as I take my last breath.
I want to lay my head down
upon my lovers chest
and lying in her arms
I will take my rest.
I want Melissa
playing in the background
singing out her songs.
Surrounded by my loved ones
my soul will be strong.
If I am to frail and weak
and unable to speak.
I want my family to know
that my love for them
was complete.
I will die knowing
that my woman's love
was all mine.
I will be secure in the fact
that her love
lasted my lifetime.
As life goes on around me
and my soul believes that
everything is all right.
My soul will rise up
from my tired body
and it will take it's
Please don't grieve for me,
my family.
No don't you cry.
Life as we know it
must come to an end
and we all must die.
I am not sure where
my soul will be going.
I am not sure what my
soul will do.
But I am sure that
all your love for me
will keep my spirit near you.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


My soul is a part of me
that is found deep inside
It is the substance of my being
where all my truths reside
When my soul summons me
there is not anyway that I
can resit
I must take that journey and go
where my soul does exists
My soul shows me what truths
I may have been ignoring
I must face these truths
and deal with them
no matter how deploring
My truths show me lessons
that I must learn
My soul whispers to me
"Take heed these lessons"
"you can't be unconcerned"
While working on these truths
my soul will decide
Which truths that I must learn
to keep my soul alive
In the midst of all the work
I may feel discomfort and I may feel pain
but I keep on working because
I know what it is that I will gain
My truths might be harsh and difficult
I might not like what I see
but these truths have to be learned
in order for me to be me

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Perfectly Pretending

Perfectly pretending
how easy it can be
sometimes it is done
even naturally

Wake Up !

Perfectly pretending
you think no one knows
It's not even funny how
it can take it's tow

Wake Up !!

Perfectly pretending
you can't even see
how your life is all
make believe

Wake Up !!!

Perfectly pretending
don't open your eyes
If you do you may
recognize the lies

WAKE UP !!!!

Perfectly pretending
there is no security
when you live your life
with such dishonesty

Wake Up !!!!!

Perfectly pretending
it will hurt your soul
if you indulge in it
your life's a hellhole

WAKE UP !!!!!!

Perfectly pretending
don't you wish you knew
if this awful occurrence
is happening to you