Wednesday, February 7, 2007


My soul is a part of me
that is found deep inside
It is the substance of my being
where all my truths reside
When my soul summons me
there is not anyway that I
can resit
I must take that journey and go
where my soul does exists
My soul shows me what truths
I may have been ignoring
I must face these truths
and deal with them
no matter how deploring
My truths show me lessons
that I must learn
My soul whispers to me
"Take heed these lessons"
"you can't be unconcerned"
While working on these truths
my soul will decide
Which truths that I must learn
to keep my soul alive
In the midst of all the work
I may feel discomfort and I may feel pain
but I keep on working because
I know what it is that I will gain
My truths might be harsh and difficult
I might not like what I see
but these truths have to be learned
in order for me to be me

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