Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The End

When my life is ending
and it is time for me
to face my death.
I want my woman
to hold me in her arms
as I take my last breath.
I want to lay my head down
upon my lovers chest
and lying in her arms
I will take my rest.
I want Melissa
playing in the background
singing out her songs.
Surrounded by my loved ones
my soul will be strong.
If I am to frail and weak
and unable to speak.
I want my family to know
that my love for them
was complete.
I will die knowing
that my woman's love
was all mine.
I will be secure in the fact
that her love
lasted my lifetime.
As life goes on around me
and my soul believes that
everything is all right.
My soul will rise up
from my tired body
and it will take it's
Please don't grieve for me,
my family.
No don't you cry.
Life as we know it
must come to an end
and we all must die.
I am not sure where
my soul will be going.
I am not sure what my
soul will do.
But I am sure that
all your love for me
will keep my spirit near you.


Anonymous said...

These poems are so beautiful and have truth. If I had guts like you I would publish my own or at least put em on the internet for all to see. You truly inspire me to want to be brave and do the samething thank you and keep writing. For these forms of writing will set you free.

Truth of the Soul said...

Thank You for your kind words.