Friday, April 27, 2007

Time and Age

Time passing by,
causing us to age.
It happens to all of us,
stage by stage.
My mother at eighty-six,
now lives in assisted living.
Time and age to her,
have not been to forgiving.
My mother has a few health
But basically she is ok.
But age and time has taken,
her short term memory away.
Time and age has caused the dementia,
to change day by day.
She realizes what's happening.
She often feels betrayed.
My father cheated time.
My father defeated age.
He died when he was sixty.
But he didn't go unscathed.
He wasn't a healthy man.
He had many an ailment.
With doctors and in hospitals,
much of his time was spent.
My father wasn't a nice man,
much of my growing years.
When death did come to make it's claim,
I didn't shed any tears.
Time and age can make the prospect
of growing old unpleasant.
But with life's journeys ahead,
it's so hard to prevent it.


Anonymous said...

Time ... such a nice story.

Truth of the Soul said...
