Monday, August 20, 2007

Chicago Bound

I just had to write,
my soul feels so lite.
My honey told me some exciting
news the other night.
Some funds have been found.
My woman and I will be
Chicago bound.
Yes Melissa, we will see you,
this time around.
We will get to go
to the meet and greet.
I hope that I
am able to speak.
I know I will be nervous
and I will probably be intense.
When the words come out,
I hope that I make sense.
I want my admiration
and respect for you
to be evident.
The words that I speak to you
to be a compliment.
We will be watching you preform from
awesome seats.
Having my honey by my side
I will be complete.
When you sing I can't believe
the magic that you create.
This is so exciting,
I can hardly wait.
You up on the stage and us fans here
I know at the show my adrenalin will flow.
Getting to sleep that night will be
touch and go.
My woman and I will have so much fun.
My love for her can't be out done.
All I can say to her is,
"I love you woman, thanks a ton"!

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