Monday, August 27, 2007

It's Too Late

No one calls to
set things right.
So much was said during
that terrible fight.
You are the parents.
You should make
the first move.
Your absence
from your daughter's life,
what does that prove?
Does you silence equal
your guilt?
Your relationship with
your daughter
needs to be rebuilt.
My opinions, with them you
don't agree.
There is nothing I can do
to make you see.
You haven't seen your great granddaughter,
not once since she was born.
This has caused hurt feelings
and your family to be
You were never really there
for Tara and Jill.
A loving, close grandmother,
those shoes you never filled.
You seem oblivious as to
how deep the hurt
has penetrated.
With you and your actions
I have become frustrated.
You don't have a clue
as to who apologies you owe.
You nonchalantly call Jill
and ask to visit.
What a low blow.
You have all these excuses
that you construe.
It's very plain to see
we don't have the same values.
You're so much like mom
and I don't mean that
in a good way.
For the health of my soul
from you I need to breakaway.
You don't get it
and you never will.
Don't go for counseling,
just keep taking your
magic pill.

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