Tuesday, August 7, 2007

It's Hard To Explain

It only took seeing you that first time
back in 1994.
You created in me a passion
that would haunt me forever more.
My writer of stories,
that you tell to me in song.
I have an ache,
a need to see you.
You have been gone far too long.
It is hard to understand,
because it is hard for me to explain.
I am sure that there may be some
who just think that I am insane.
You have shown me how to have
peace, happiness and love
in my life.
I admire your truth,
your strength,
your courage,
that you have shown,
when faced with heartache
and strife.
You generate an energy
standing in the spotlight.
The songs you sing,
the stories told,
move and stir me with
their insight.
A new CD will soon be out.
A new tour you will begin.
I should be so very happy,
instead a deep sadness is
held within.
It is hard to explain
the emotions that I feel.
But the want,
the need to see you,
I know is so very real.
I dream and I wish to see you,
but it's not to be this time around.
The truth of the matter is,
there is not any money to be found.
There will not be a Chicago package.
I won't be seeing you from second row seats.
It makes me sad to know
that I won't talk with you
at the meet and greet.
I worry there may not be a next time.
That this may be your last.
So all my memories
and all my mementos,
I will keep them close,
to then I will hold fast.

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