Sunday, July 25, 2010


Here comes the waves
the pain's so great
You are my love
forever my mate
In my heart
you shall aways be
but I need
I want you
close to me
Were we too quick
with our good-byes?
Couldn't we have even tried?
There is a saying
this too shall pass
but I thought our love
would "forever" last
I pray for anger
I wish I could be mad
but all I am
is really sad
I think anger
would ease the pain
but in the end
there is nothing to gain.
I know that
I need to grow
but I have hit
my lowest of lows
One minute I feel
as strong as can be
my soul is flying
it's great to be me
Then in a second
my soul
comes crashing down
the doubt enters in
I feel hell bound
I need for this agony
this deep sadness
to end
My spirit
my soul
my body
to mend

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