Monday, July 26, 2010

Last Night

Last night we held
each other tight
we made love
all though the night
We told each other
we'd never let go
You even said
there was room to grow
We cried and said
we should always be
That I loved you
and you loved me
Being with you was
heaven on earth
My life had purpose
I felt my worth
Then I awoke
My face stained
with tears
I felt instantly sick
crushed under
the weight
of my fears
I have you now
haunting me at night
Telling me
ever thing is all right
I wish I could stop
the thoughts in my brain
My love for you
is driving me insane
I can't eat
don't sleep
I cry all the time
all because
I wish you were mine
I pray for strength
and courage
from my Creator above
In my life I shall have love

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