Sunday, December 31, 2006


You live in a fog
It surrounds you
Engulfing you in a dense heavy mist
The fog veils your eyes
Blinding you
Keeping you from seeing the hurt
and destruction you have caused
Never seeing what's in front of you
you stumble your way through life
The fog fills your mind
Slowly it eats away at your brain
clouding your thinking
making it difficult for you to
distinguish reality from the imagined
The fog fills your ears
causing you to be deaf to the words
of love and concern
You think the fog is your friend
a comforting companion
But it's not
The fog whispers enticingly to you
telling you what you want to hear
It tells you lies but you believe them
to be truths
The fog seeps inside you
taking control of your very being
Attacking your heart and soul
The fog paralyzes you
Keeping you from feeling
You are numb to love
The fog leaves you empty and cold
People care and try to help but you
prefer the fog and what it has to offer
The fog eats away at your insides
making them raw and sore
They bleed and you vomit up the blood
The fog tells you not to be concerned
It's nothing,really
You believe the fog once again
and embrace it even more
The fog swallows you whole
spitting out the broken peces of
you life for all to see
Except for you
You are no longer here
You cease to exist

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