Tuesday, December 12, 2006


You were my first born
Seven years senior to your sister
You were loved at your conception
I watched you grow that summer
my belly swelled with your added weight
Fall came along
and so did you
Sky blue eyes
fluff of brown down for hair
You could not have been more loved
Time flew by
a cuddly little toddler you became
You loved the closeness of being held
and song sung and stories told
Being the first is not easy
I learned what to do day by day
doing things I know now
were wrong
Things that can't be changed
or taken back
For this I am sorry
A grown man
A wife to loved
A wife who loves you
Thankfulness and love
fills my heart and soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like all of your poems this is straight on. I don't know how you write with your sidekicks but you always go right to the heart of the matter.
