Monday, December 11, 2006

Into the Dark

Sometimes my mind reaches deep inside
and grabs my heart and soul.
It takes me on a journey
that I would rather not go.
The roads that I travel
have many twist and turns.
The menories can't be erased
they are forever burned.
The things I see with my eyes
tightly closed shut.
Are visions of me frightened and small
just trying to grow up.
A father who was drunk and mean
someone to be feared.
He would say "to raise a child
she must hate the father."
These words always bought me to tears.
My mother was a woman
with many a different face.
With guilt and shame she would hold
tight my reins and keep me in my place.
She always seemed a victim
to weak and injured to get out.
But underneath this false facade there
never was a doubt.
The lessons that I learned
are valuable to me.
They tought me as a parent
what not to be,

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