Friday, February 23, 2007

Will You Remember Me?

When I am gone
and longer living
here on this earth.
Will you still remember me?
Did I have some worth?
What is it that you loved
about me?
What will you keep
close to your heart?
I hope I gave you
something special,
to keep while we are apart.
I wonder how long
it will take,
before I fade from your mind.
The memory of my existence
left far behind.
You will get rid of all my clothes.
And you will go through all my
Pack them all away
along with the sadness
that they bring.
You will move on with your life.
You will continue on your path.
But will you remember me
and what made me happy
or what made me laugh?
Will you recall
any of my passions?
The things I most cared about.
Or will they be swept
from your mind
like the dust left by a drought.
Will you remember
my love and respect for Melissa,
and what she meant to me?
How her words and her music
inspired and helped
to set my soul free.
Will my love for you
bring you comfort
or maybe some cheer?
I guess I just worry
that you will forget me
now that I am not here.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to be the one left behind...I'm not sure how I would endure. As long as I have a memory, you will be in it. Your strength, your vulnerability, your laugh, your beautiful eyes and so much more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey that's why I love you.