Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wait Just Sit and Wait Part II

The bone marrow biopsy is back.
All seems to be fine.
No leukemia or myeloma cells.
Those results help to ease my
The liver biopsy is still out
so we don't have that result.
Her doctor sent them to
the Mayo Clinic for other
doctors to consult.
She is till running a
temperature at night.
The doctor has ask her
to keep a journal.
She is "my little Terri girl"
I can't help but feel maternal.
All this waiting and waiting
really wears on my nerves.
I know that I can be testy
and this my honey doesn't
I wish this was all over
and everything turns out
all right.
But the story is
that we have to wait
so I guess we'll just sit tight.

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