Monday, March 5, 2007

My Companion

I have an evil entity
that is with me
every minute
of every day.
It moved inside my
body and caused
trouble straight away.
I call this evil entity
my companion.
I have even given it a
My evil entity
my companion
goes by the name of
Pain has been with
me ever since 1993
or was it 1994.
I really had no idea
what this evil entity
had in store.
In the beginning
pain was very hard
to explain.
It seemed to move
around my body.
Driving me insane.
My hands and my feet
is where I first
noticed Pain.
Little did I know then
that my companion
had just started it's
My shoulders and my hips
have chronic soreness
and irritation.
Pain won't leave me alone
much to my frustration.
Pain can make me feel
tired and it can
even make me
feel depressed.
I even get a little
angry at Pain.
At this I do confess.
Pain is something
that I must live with.
It doesn't do any
good to complain.
Why give any satisfaction
to my evil companion
who I have named

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