Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Love

My lover's birthday is now here.
I give her my love.
I wish her good health
and I wish her good cheer.
Age to me really does not matter.
My woman has much to praise
and more to flatter.
My woman has this sexy smile.
I can sit and gaze at it for a long while.
Her sexy smile just melts my heart.
I know from her I will never part.
My lover understands me.
She accepts me for who I am.
Unconditional love she gives
to me with out demand.
I love how my lover looks me
straight in my eyes.
Then comes a hug, a kiss
that leads to some sighs.
Eight years with my woman
will soon pass.
but to have loved so intensely
the time flew by so fast.
We hold each other close.
We don't like to be apart.
We have been there for each other
right from the start.
Holding her close
we drift off to sleep at night.
Our bodies entwined
holding each other tight.
It's my lover's birthday.
A marking of time.
But to me, I have Peggy.
The birthday gift is all mine.

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