Sunday, May 3, 2009


I don't understand
why you have been treating
me like you do.
All I did was express some needs
that I thought we cold work through.
I feel like a hole
has been ripped into my chest.
If you are to look
you will find an emptiness.
We speak to each other
in respectful tones.
But I don't feel close to you.
I just feel alone.
I get a customary kiss
in the morning.
A customary kiss goodnight.
My sadness over whelms me.
I know that I don't want to fight.
You don't put your
arm around me.
You don't take my
hand to hold.
I don't understand why
you are being so very cold.
You said you would like to talk
about our discussion on
Monday night.
But how long must I
have to wait for your insight.
I thought that we could share
all that we are feeling.
Because of your silence
and your actions
this leaves me disbelieving.
Do you really love me?
Do you really care?
I don't think that your
silences and coldness is
really being fair.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to do.
All I can say is
that I love you.

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