Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Week Seems Like Forever

Oh my god, Honey!
I miss you so much.
Your sweet dreamy smile.
Your warm and sexy touch.
I know that this visit
is to be only one week.
With you on the phone
every night I do speak.
I miss you the most
when nighttime falls.
I always look forward
to our last phone call.
Hearing your voice
over the phone
makes my heartache.
I wish I were home in
your warm
and tender embrace.
The nights are so long.
Slowly each day goes by.
My soul misses you
and my heart cries.
At five o'clock I miss
you walking in the door.
I miss your hugging
and your kissing that
leaves me wanting more.
Each day does finally pass.
Friday is here.
Soon I will be in your arms
holding you near.

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