Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Moment

The moment I saw you
I thought humm this
could be nice.
I knew I wanted to get
to know you.
I didn't have to think twice.
You walked into the room
and sat down in a chair.
For that moment in time
I was blessed that I was there.
Our coming out group
met only once a week.
I wanted to get close to you
so to you I would often speak.
I would sit on the couch
waiting for you to arrive.
Once you entered the room
I would say "sit here".
I wanted you by my side.
Our first meeting was back in 1998.
Then on October tenth
we went on our first date.
Just one date and I knew
I wanted you to be mine.
We would have enough love
to last past our past our lifetime.
My security and peace
is found when I look
into your eyes.
You are all I need or want.
This fact I do realize.
Today is our ninth anniversary
that together we celebrate.
My love
and Respect
to you I do rededicate.

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